In this course, you will be introduced to the Python programming language and apply it in a cybersecurity setting to automate tasks. You'll start by focusing on foundational Python programming concepts, including data types, variables, conditional statements, and iterative statements. You'll also learn to work with Python effectively by developing functions, using libraries and modules, and making your code readable. In addition, you'll work with string and list data, and learn how to import, parse and debug files.

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Get started with the course - 00:00:00
Introduction to Python programming in cybersecurity - 00:03:27
Core Python components - 00:12:14
Conditional and iterative statements - 00:25:45
Review: Introduction to Python - 00:45:29
Introduction to functions - 00:46:36
Work with functions - 00:53:37
Learn from the Python community - 01:08:22
Review: Write effective Python code - 01:15:57
Work with strings - 01:17:04
Work with lists and develop algorithms - 01:30:31
Regular expressions - 01:44:29
Review: Work with strings and lists - 01:52:49
Python for automation - 01:53:59
Work with files in Python - 01:59:07
Debug Python code - 02:12:14
Review: Python in practice - 02:24:20
Congratulations on completing Course 7! - 02:25:20

#GoogleCareerCertificates #Cybersecurity #Python

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Fundamentals of Python for Cybersecurity | Google Cybersecurity Certificate