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Framer Motion for React 3 Animating Elements

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Great learning 2023-09-23

Joya Gedeon

Very Useful for beginners in framer motion! 2023-07-13


Very nice 2023-01-21

Ram Chakraborty

Very Nice Course For Beginner 2021-09-06

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Course Description

What is framer motion? Overview. Motion shares the simple animation and gesture API as the Framer library, while maintaining HTML and SVG semantics. This makes it simple to port your high-fidelity prototypes to a production-ready environment, or make something completely new.What is framer used for? Framer is your tool for designing everything. Work with your team to get high-fidelity prototypes in minutes with smart features, drag and drop components, layout tools, building blocks, and more.How do I use Gsap in react? React works by updating the rendered DOM through changes in the App state, so when creating an animation using GSAP, instead of reaching out directly to the DOM, like in most other cases, we need to wait for those changes in the app state and the DOM to be rendered, in order to use the current representation of the appHow do you use a framer? Let's Create an App-type Design Step 1: Create a simple button and background. Step 2: Add a card with an image. Step 3: Add an app title. Step 4: Tell Framer which layers are interactive. Step 5 (Bonus): Define your global colors. Step 6 (Bonus): Adding relative position. Step 1: Creating the event for interaction.