Narration Part 3
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Course Description
Direct and indirect speech in english course,
in this course we will learn about the direct and indirect speech in English, essential for reporting and communicating spoken words accurately. Direct speech involves quoting the exact words spoken, while indirect speech involves paraphrasing those words without using quotation marks. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, students will understand the rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech, including changes in tense, pronouns, and time expressions. We will cover various types of reported speech, such as statements, questions, commands, and requests. The course will also address common challenges and errors, ensuring students can confidently report speech in both formal and informal contexts. Real-life examples and engaging activities, such as dialogue practice, role-plays, and peer discussions, will help reinforce learning. Whether you are a beginner seeking to grasp the basics or an advanced learner aiming to refine your skills, this course will enhance your ability to use direct and indirect speech effectively. Join us to master the art of reported speech and improve your overall communication proficiency in English.
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