S4 HANA Developer Course | S4HANA Technical Training | ABAP on HANA | contact anubhavtrainings com
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Course Description
CDS views can be created to read and process data at DB layer. Whereas AMDP can be created to process and modify data at DB layer. AMDP is used to work with stored procedures, which further go to HANA DB layer and execute that. This functionality can't be achieved by Open SQL and CDS .
Videography for beginners
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Break even analysis
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API development using PHP in android
Python Scripts for Automation
Mental Illness Treatment Types
cinema tography Techniques
Building graphic design portfolio
Intents in android development
ChatGPT tools for excel
Wordpress step by step in hindi
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SEO for Beginners
English Language
Trading Algorithms with Python
Adobe Photoshop CC
Complete WIFI Hacking Beginner
Disable JavaScript using developer tools
Poster design basics in illustrator
Advanced InDesign techniques
Poster design in illustrator for beginners
Print design for beginners
Videography for beginners
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Ultrasound guided peripheral nerve block
French for C1 and C2 level learners
Urdu language for beginners
Principles of criminal investigations
Create a movie poster in photoshop
Long shadow effects in photoshop
Chrome 3D text in photoshop for beginners
Blur backgrounds in photoshop for beginners
Crop images in circle using photoshop
Swap faces in photoshop for beginners
Change backgrounds in photoshop
Perspective warp in photoshop
Crop and straighten in photoshop
Photoshop photo manipulation