English Listening Practice Level 1 Part 1
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Course Description
What is Listening? Listening is the first of the four language skills, which are: 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Reading 4. Writing Listen to short, topical audio stories in Easy English. Listen to a weekly news story in English.
Strategies and tips for better English listening
Listen to a weekly news story in English. With this resource you can practise your listening, reading, writing and even speaking.
Easy English songs with subtitles
Listen online or download these English readings, many of which have transcripts, vocabulary notes and comprehension questions.
Listen to excerpts from treasured children's stories.
Listen to news in English with programmes from stations like the BBC, RT or Voice of America.
Do you want to improve your English listening skills? What about your spelling, writing, and typing skills? Dictations can help in many ways. They even help you learn new vocabulary in context.
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