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Learning English Speaking

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Pragati Mahajan

Nice 2024-09-10

Naji Abtidon

thanks 2024-09-06

Muhammad Azeem

great 2024-09-03

Suraj Uddhavrao Kamble

Nice course 2024-09-02

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WAYS TO PRACTICE ENGLISH SPEAKING ALONE How can I practice speaking alone? Teach yourself a speech or monologue. ... Memorize your favorite song, and sing it! ... Memorize a poem that speaks to you. ... Have a discussion with yourself. ... Dictate your ideas instead of writing them down. ... Use the Rubber Duck Method. ... Use a voice recording app. ... Record yourself speaking on video. You have no problem practicing your English reading, writing, or listening skills when you’re alone, but when it comes to practicing speaking, what are you supposed to do? Everyone says that you have to practice speaking in order to improve, and that reading, writing, and listening are not enough. But it’s not always possible to find an English teacher or friend to speak with, right? Are you supposed to talk to yourself? Yes! And it’s not as weird as you think! It might feel strange at first, but the more you do it, the more natural and fun it will become. Besides, it’s not just about talking to yourself. It’s about finding creative ways to speak when you’re alone. Today, we’re going to talk about ten strategies you can use when you practice speaking English by yourself: Teach yourself a famous speech or monologue. Memorize your favorite quotes to repeat out loud. Memorize your favorite song, and sing it! Memorize a poem that speaks to you. Have a discussion with yourself. Dictate your ideas instead of writing them down. Use the rubber duck method. Use a voice recording app. Record videos of yourself. Check-in with your progress once a month. So, if you still don’t believe me when I say that it’s possible to practice your English speaking when you’re alone, or if you’re ready to learn more, let’s keep reading!

Basic English Grammar