Stress Management Relaxation
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How Relaxation Helps. When you feel stress, your body responds by releasing hormones that increase your blood pressure and raise your heart rate. This is called the stress response. Relaxation techniques can help your body relax and lower your blood pressure and heart rate.10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress Listen to music. Call a friend. Self-talk. Diet. Laugh. Tea. Mindfulness. Exercise.Relaxing the mind Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. ... Soak in a warm bath. Listen to soothing music. Practice mindful meditation. The goal of mindful meditation is to focus your attention on things that are happening right now in the present moment. ... Write. ... Use guided imagery.From eating chocolate to meditating, there is a quick stress-relieving tactic for everyone. Breathe. Slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. ... Listen to Music. ... Take a Quick Walk. ... Find the Sun. ... Give Yourself a Hand Massage. ... Count Backward. ... Stretch. ... Rub Your Feet Over a Golf Ball.