In life it is also worth taking bold decisions to face reality and test our vision. The only way we can succeed is to take a first step to roll out what you envision. As long as you do not take the first is will be always dooms day for you!
You should be a member of the community to be able to interact
In life it is also worth taking bold decisions to face reality and test our vision. The only way we can succeed is to take a first step to roll out what you envision. As long as you do not take the first is will be always dooms day for you!
I have found a lesson on iceberg thinking very insightful. Thank you.
A good lesson for people who dont think or want to think in intligenice
The course was quite reflective and concise
The course was quite reflective and concise
It was really a full of a power of knowledge
Very good
It was an amazing course
The course is an eye opener and very motivating for someone lacking confidence