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Microsoft Word Training

Microsoft Word Training

Community's Users : 224

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Recent Certificates

Rafania Rizkia Wulan Ramadhani
Muhammad Latif
Dr.Ghvs Sarma
Chandrahaas Deshabatini
Kaka Rayhannissa
Alif Aiboy
قحطان صالح حسين
Abinet Belachew Hoye
Arshad Maham
Alazar Yohannes

Recenet Reviews

Rafania Rizkia Wulan Ramadhani

so good

Muhammad Latif

After long time I hered about your these certification course . great proving to enhence the skills . thanks

Dr.Ghvs Sarma

Job Orientated

Kaka Rayhannissa


Alif Aiboy

very helpful


worth learning

Alazar Yohannes

It was cool.

Elizabeth Mooney

Cool but small. Has very old videos that people don't need anymore.

Zairra Erlano


Anthony Comfort Uki

This remind me of window 2010 is great.