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Human Resource Management in Public Service

Human Resource Management in Public Service

Community's Users : 1252

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Duol Bidong Raimundo
2 Month

I have been lucky enough to study the daily course attending

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Lydia Ejekwemu
6 Month

Wahoo!! I learn so much on this, it is educative and broad.. I have more deeper insight on this compare to what I have practice. Thank you so much

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Aliyu Wali
7 Month

What role does the head of welfare play in HR?

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1 Year

What, is role of HR in term of at management in public areas

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1 Year

What, is role of HR in term of at management in public areas

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Lydia Ejekwemu
6 Month

In terms of public service ,the hr role is to make policies and programs that will attract people to come in, by making selections and evaluating their performance, in other to retain the best talent

Minalem Tom Tapatha
1 Week

Am glad to study here.....As a HR in future

Recent Certificates

Althaf rasa
Minalem Tom Tapatha
Dr altaf khan
Vukosi Sharon Mathye
wasim rao
omayma niya
Mudasra Khalil
Ebony Kawanga
Unnat sharadchandra desale

Recenet Reviews

Althaf rasa

Good experience

Minalem Tom Tapatha

Am very encouraged to learn in this institution..So far I have achieved more knowledge.

Dr altaf khan

Nice knowlge full site for the any courses

Vukosi Sharon Mathye

I have a knowledge.. Because I learned a lot thank you for the opportunity

wasim rao


omayma niya

The Human Resource Management in Public Service course provided valuable insights into HR practices in the public sector, enhancing my understanding of key areas like recruitment, performance management, and labor relations. I'm now more confident in applying this knowledge to real-world public service HR challenges.



Mudasra Khalil



Very helpful

Ebony Kawanga

Very helpful course