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Youth Empowerment

Youth Empowerment

Community's Users : 421

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Recent Certificates

Usama Yousaf
Orianne Rowsy
Haris Abdullah Khan
Kanku Kuyateh
Sabrin Sultana
Mayowon Tungshang
Herjanto Kurnia
Angelinah Haorei
Jason Alvero
Maisam Abbas

Recenet Reviews

Usama Yousaf

very good explanation.

Orianne Rowsy

Very Good Course and very helpful.

Haris Abdullah Khan

Amazing Course

Kanku Kuyateh

So Empowering

Sabrin Sultana

It was benificial

Mayowon Tungshang


Herjanto Kurnia


Jason Alvero

easy to understand


Interesting and impacting

Qayyum Saeed
