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Python In 4 hours

Python In 4 hours

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Karan Sathe
4 Month

There are some videos which shows video unavailable. thats why some videos are uncompleted then how can i get certificate.

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Pasupuleti Sandhya Rama
1 Year

Where is the registration for the course

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Karan Bhatt
Hamza Wachtouk
Suraj Bhadade
Karan Sathe
DIALLO Thierno Ibrahima
Puneet Bhartia
Safi rahman

Recenet Reviews

Prakhar Pratap Singh

now I understand it and it is impressing my friends and family thank you

Hamza Wachtouk

nice course

Suraj Bhadade

This was amazing course

DIALLO Thierno Ibrahima

it's so helpfull. Thank u

T Sharmithasri

How can write exam

Safi rahman
