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GIMP workshops

GIMP workshops

Community's Users : 231

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Recent Certificates

atta kuffour
Francis kieth nalon
Jose Enrique Santos Rial
Tammy McCoy
Abdulrahman Yahia Zekry Ahmed
Tamim Alassaf
Rory Thomson
Marius Schröder

Recenet Reviews

atta kuffour

I Love it


Great course i love. Thank you soooo much

Tammy McCoy

I learned so much and can't wait to apply everything that I have learned.

Tamim Alassaf

that was really helpful to me thanks a lot

Rory Thomson

After dabbling around with Gimp for about a year I found this course excellent in teaching me how to use GIMP correctly.

Marius Schröder

Very good course, learned a lot

Tina Tang


Marina Babić



Course was great! I learn new things about photo editing and about GIMP.

omar sandal

great cours