Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue. js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion.Vue is a progressive Javascript framework and Vuex is the state management tool. We can use redux or flux inside Vue, But Vuex is native to the Vue.Vuex is very similar to Redux and also inspired by Flux. Unlike Redux, Vuex mutates the state rather than making the state immutable. This approach removes the need for having a reducer, so in Vuex reducers are replaced with something called Mutations. This allows Vue.What makes Vuex more powerful is that the components get their state from the Vuex store and can reactively and efficiently update whenever the store's state changes. Providing so much, Vuex should be at the top of your list when picking a state management tool for your Vue projects.js is a frontend framework built upon Vue. js that offers great development features such as server side rendering, automatically generated routes, improved meta tags managing and SEO improvement. As this was also the first time a couple of members in our team used Nuxt.